
I know this is a horrible photo!  What can I say, cell phone snapping in the gym. . . but I wanted to share (even a horrible photo) my new favorite work out equipment.  This is the absolo and it not only works your abs, but your sides, arms, well muscles I didn’t even know existed!  You sit on the little seat, feet under the pads you see there and lean back on the backrest.  You grab a 5, 7, or 9 lb ball and hold your arms straight above your head.  Now, lay back, all the way, ball still above head – feel that stretch?

Now, using your abs, sit up, as you do bring your arms forward to throw the ball against the bullseye in the backboard, it will roll down (where you see two balls) grab the second ball and repeat.


After you get used to it you can put this backer board in and then use one ball, bouncing the ball against the bullseye and catching it.

When I first started it I could barely do 5 reps with the 5 lb balls.  Now I can accomplish 40-50, in reps of 15-20 each with the 7lb balls.  I love how it feels – only been at it two weeks but lets see how things go after another two. :0)